Synapse Core CommandLine

Synapse.cli provides a way to test Syanpse Plans locally and is the semantic equivalent of Synapse.Node. Output from Synapse.cli is redirected to the prompt by default, instead of to a log.

Download the latest build of Synapse.cli from GitHub:

Synapse.cli is a wrapper on Syanpse.Core, which is available to download as a NuGet package: Syanpse.Core is suitable for programmatic Synapse integration.

CommandLine Help:

synapse.cli.exe, Version:

 synapse.cli.exe plan:{filePath} [dryRun:true|false]
   [resultPlan:{filePath}|true] [dynamic parameters]

  - Execute Plans.

  plan         - filePath: Valid path to plan file.
  dryRun       Specifies whether to execute the plan as a DryRun only.
                 Default is false.
  resultPlan   - filePath: Valid path to write ResultPlan output file.
               - [or]: 'true' will write to same path as /plan as *.result.*
  dynamic      Any remaining arg:value pairs will passed to the plan
                 as dynamic parms.

 synapse.cli.exe encrypt|decrypt:{filePath} [out:{filePath}]

  - Encrypt/decrypt Plan elements based on Plan/Action Crypto sections.

  encrypt      - filePath: Valid path to plan file to encrypt.
  decrypt      - filePath: Valid path to plan file to decrypt.
  out          - filePath: Optional output filePath.
               If [out] not specified, will encrypt/decrypt in-place.

 synapse.cli.exe sample:{handlerLib:handlerName,...} [out:{filePath}]

  - Create a sample Plan with the specified Handler(s).

  sample       - A csv list of handlerLib:handlerName pairs.
  out          - filePath: Optional output filePath.
               If [out] not specified, will output to screen.
  verbose      - If true, adds example values for all Plan options.