
A "RoleManager" is responsible for the administration and enforcement of "roles" assigned to a given principal (user or group) on an object or set of objects in the Active Directory. The details of how this is accomplished is left to the specified implementation, but at a high level, a "role" should contain one or more allowed "actions" that be assigned to a "principal" (user or group) on one or more "objects" in the Active Directory.


  • Role : A logical grouping of allowed "actions".
  • Action : A task that can be executed against the Active Directory. Click here for a detailed listing.
  • Principal : A User or Group to which a role can be assigned, either directly or through inheritance. An optional domain can be prepended for principals in other domains. Click here for more information about domains.
  • Object : An ActiveDirectory object to which the role applies (either directly or through inheritance). An optional domain can be prepended for objects in other domains. Click here for more information about domains.


The role "Administrators" can perform all actions against the ActiveDirectory. This role is assigned to principal (group) "MyOuAdmins", and is applied to the object "MyOu" and all its children (through inheritance).

Thus, if user "scott" is in the group "MyOuAdmins" and wants to delete a user "tiger" (cn=tiger,ou=MyOu,ou=Dept001,dc=sandbox,dc=local) which is under the "MyOu" OrganizationalUnit, the RoleManager would evaluate scott's roles and determine if he was allowed to perform that action.

Interface Methods



This method receives the config section from the Handler config file and passes it into the RoleManager implementations


  • Config : A generic "object" that contains configuration information specific to the implementation of the RoleManager itself.

Returns: Nothing

Role Execution


Determines if a "Principal" (user or group) can perform an action on an ActiveDirectory object.

Inputs :

  • Principal : The user or group trying to perform the action
  • Action : The action being performed (Click here for detailed list of actions.)
  • Object : The ActiveDirectory object on which the action is to be performed.

Returns :

  • Boolean : A "true" or "false" value indicating whether the principal is allowed to perform the action.


Determines if a "Principal" (user or group) can perform an action on an ActiveDirectory object. Same as the CanPerformAction method above, but will throw an Exception if the principal is not allowed to perform the action.

Role Administration


Gets a list of all roles that can be applied.

Inputs : None

Returns : A list of strings that represent the role names that can be applied to principals and objects.


Determines if a "Principal "user or group" as a specific role on an ActiveDirectory object.

Inputs :

  • Principal : The user or group being asked about.
  • Role : The role being asked about.
  • Object : The ActiveDirectory object on which the role should be checked.

Returns :

  • Boolean : A "true" or "false" value indicating whether the principal has the specified role on the object.


Adds a role for a given principal onto an ActiveDirectory object.

Inputs :

  • Principal : The user or group being granted a role.
  • Role : The role being added.
  • Object : The ActiveDirectory object on which the role applies.

Returns : Nothing


Removes a role for a given principal from an ActiveDirectory object.

Inputs :

  • Principal : The user or group for which the role is being removed.
  • Role : The role being removed.
  • Object : The ActiveDirectory object on which the role applies.

Returns : Nothing

Handler Configuration

The role manager to use, and any other necessary configuration specific to the RoleManager implementation is found in the Handler Configuration file. The file "Synapse.Handlers.ActiveDirecory.config.yaml" should be located in the same location as the Handler DLL. The "RoleManager" section contains the "Name" of the RoleManager to use, and the "Config" associated with it.

If the file cannot be found, or the RoleManager section is not present, the default RoleManager (DefaultRoleManager) will be used.

  Name: Synapse.ActiveDirectory.MyRoleManagerDLL:MyRoleManager
    - More
    - Config
    - Here
  • Name : Contains a colon seperated string that indicates the DLL and the class (with namespace if any) to use for RoleManagement. In the example above, the class "MyRoleManager" has no namespace.
  • Config : This Yaml will be passed directly into the "Initialize" method of the RoleManager implementation and has no pre-defined format. The shape of the data here is however the RoleManager implementation expects it to be.


Below are the known implementations of RoleManager that are available for use in the ActiveDirectory Handler and Api.


This very simply returns "true" for all "Has" and "Can" methods, and throws a "NotImplementedException" for the "AddRole" and "RemoveRole" methods.


  Name: Synapse.ActiveDirectory.Core:DefaultRoleManager

There is no configuration expected for this implementation.


This implements the RoleManager by applying DACL's directly onto the ActiveDirectory objects. These are done by placing AccessRules directly onto the objects for the given principals, then evaulated by looking at the permissions the principal (and all groups that principal belongs to) on that object to determine if the principal can perform actions on the object in question.


  Name: Synapse.ActiveDirectory.DaclRoleManager:DaclRoleManager
    - Name: AdReadOnly
      AllowedActions: Get, Search
      AdRights: GenericRead
    - Name: AdReadWrite
      AllowedActions: Create, Modify, Delete, Rename, Move
      AdRights: GenericWrite
      - AdReadOnly
    - Name: AdGroupManagement
      AllowedActions: AddToGroup, RemoveFromGroup
      AdRights: GenericExecute
      - AdReadOnly
    - Name: AdAccessRights
      AllowedActions: AddAccessRule, RemoveAccessRule, SetAccessRule, PurgeAccessRules
      AdRights: WriteDacl
      - AdReadOnly
    - Name: AdRoleDelegate
      AllowedActions: AddRole, RemoveRole
      AdRights: WriteDacl, WriteOwner
      - AdReadOnly
    - Name: AdOwner
      AllowedActions: All
      AdRights: GenericAll

The config section contains a list of roles that can be granted to a principal for a given object. Each entry in that list contains :

  • Name : The name of the role.
  • AllowedActions : A comma-seperated list of Actions that can be performed by this role
  • AdRights : A comma-seperated list of ActiveDirectoryRights that when applied to an object in an AccessRule, define a role.
  • ExtendsRoles : This is a list of other roles that also apply to this role. All allowed actions will apply to this role, and all AdRights will be applied to objects as well. This is a way allow for Role Inheritance, prevent duplication, and to simplify the way the config section is defined. The same outcome could be achieved by just including the AllowedActions and AdRights directly.

Implementation Summary

Method Description
Initialize Builds an in-memory representation of the roles and actions defined in the config file. If the config section changes, they won't be reflected until the Node / Handler is restarted.
CanPerformAction Retrives all the rights for the principal or any group the principal belongs to and examines the cumulative rights to see if the principal belongs to a role that allows the given action.
GetRoles Returns a list of role names that can be applied.
HasRole Determines if a principal, or a group the principal belongs to, has the necessary Active Directory rights (DACL's) on an ActiveDirectory object to be in the given "role".
AddRole Assigns the defined rights (DACL's) for a principal on the object.
RemoveRole Removes the defiend rights (DACL's) for a principal on the object.