
The OracleHandler executes SQL commands against an Oracle database, returning the results and/or paramter values either in the handler's Exit Data, or saved off to a file. Results can be returned in one of many formats including Xml, Json, Yaml and CSV.

Plan Details


The config section of the plan specifies the information needed to connect to the target database, either through the provided fields, or by using a raw Connection String provided.


      Type: Yaml
        User: scott
        Password: tiger
        OutputType: Xml
        OutputFile: C:\Temp\output.xml
        PrettyPrint: true
      Type: Yaml
        ConnectionString: user id=scott;password=tiger;data source=(DESCRIPTION = (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = localhost)(PORT = 1521))(CONNECT_DATA =(SERVER = DEDICATED)(SERVICE_NAME = XE)));
        OutputType: Yaml
        PrettyPrint: false
Element Type/Value Required Description
DataSource String No* Adds "data source=xxxx;" to the connection string.
User String No* Adds "user id=xxxx;" to the connection string.
Password String No* Adds "password=xxxx;" to the connection string.
ConnectionString String No* The raw connection string used to connect to the database. The handler uses the .NET Framework Data Provider for Oracle format to connect.
ConnectionTimeout int No Sets number of seconds to wait for a connection to open. (Default value = 15 seconds).
CommandTimeout int No Sets number of seconds to wait for the command to execute. (Default value = 30 seconds).
OutputType "None"
No Specifies the format for the results and/or paramters returned from the call. Default = "Csv"
OutputFile String No When provided, indicates the results returned from the call should be written to a file instead of being returned in ExitData. This should be used when the size of the result set is too great to store in memory.
PrettyPrint bool No Formats Json and Xml output with line breaks and indention. (Default = false)

* Note: Either "ConnectionString" or "Datasource, User, Password, etc.." must be provided, but not both.

Connection String information can be found online. A good resource can be found at http://connectionstrings.com.


The Parameters section specifies the sql statement or stored procedure that is to be executed, and any parameters to that command or stored procedure.


    Type: Yaml
      IsQuery: true
      - Name: AGE
        Value: 70
    Type: Yaml
      StoredProcedure: GETPRESIDENTS
      - Name: P_RESULTS
        Direction: Output
        Type: RefCursor
Element Type/Value Required Description
Text String No* The SQL text command to execute.
StoredProcedure String No* The name of the stored procedure to execute.
TableDirect String No* The name of a table, or list of tables to return all rows and columns from. Click here for more details.
IsQuery bool No If set to true, will exeute the method "ExecuteReader" and return one or more result sets. Used primarily when data is returned.

If set to false, will execute the method "ExecuteNonQuery" which will return the number of rows affected. Mostly used for INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE statements.

(Default = true)
Parameters List of ParameterType objects No A list of parameters to be substituted into the "Text" field, or passed into the "StoredProcedure" specified. See table below for paramter fields and descriptions.

* Note: One (and only one) of "Text", "StoredProcedure" or "TableDirect" must be provided.

ParameterType Object
Element Type/Value Required Description
Name String No The name of the variable.
Value String No The value for the variable.
Size int No The size of the variable. Used primarily to allocate enough space for values returned in Output or InputOutput variables.
Type System.Data.DbType or
No Maps to the System.Data.DbType or Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.Client.OracleDbType class. Represents the variable type.
Direction "Input"

No Maps to System.Data.ParameterDirection class. Represents the direction of the variable.