Synapse Server Admin Web API

The Synapse Admin Web API manages AutoUpdate and provides an interface for viewing configuration and fetching log files.

Executing Admin Functions

The Synapse Admin URI is: http://{host:port}/synapse/admin. For detailed method invocation information, see the Swagger URI at: http://{host:port}/swagger/

Verb URI Description
get /synapse/admin/hello Returns "Hello, World!" Does not invoke RBAC or DAL, but does require authentication.
get /synapse/admin/hello/whoami Returns a string of the authenticated user context. Does not invoke RBAC or DAL.
get /synapse/admin/hello/about Returns the server configuration (synapse.server.config.yaml) and an inventory of files for this server instance.
get /synapse/admin/update Invokes AutoUpdate, which will stop the server, refresh the binaries, and then optionally restart the server.
get /synapse/admin/update/logs Fetches a list of AutoUpdate logs.
get /synapse/admin/update/logs/{name} Fetches a specific AutoUpdate log.
get /synapse/admin/logs Fetches a list of runtime logs.
get /synapse/admin/logs/{name} Fetches a specific runtime log.